the flying crew
the site for people that work at 30,000ft.
Not a member of the Crew yet?
monthly route bidding
Use the Monthly Route Bidder to understand where and when other crew members are bidding so you can make your won bid with the highest chance of it being added to your roster.
Start by using the interactive map to understand how many bids have currently been made for each destination. The location for your existing bid (if applicable) will be highlighted.
Click on a destination to see which dates do not currently have any bids (Green), those dates that have bids but they are all from people less senior that yourself (blue) or those dates where someone more senior has bid (red). Click on a particular date to see the people who have already bid.
Submit your bid for the selected date. You can specify whether you bid is open (in which case you will be able to specify and 'end date') as well as selection one or more specific sectors (if applicable).
For a selected date you can instantly see for which destinations you would be the most senior bidder.
For the selected month you can instantly see which fellow crew members more senior than you have still to enter their bid
time off planner
Under Construction.....check back here soon!!
roster swaps
Under Construction.....check back here soon!!